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course selection 4_edited.jpg

Unsere Schwesterseiten /Our Sister Sites    :


Lessons are generally
self education
It is done with the principle of

Risale-i Nurfrom and
other islamicworkfrom the
read and read
or certain sections or
about lessons
documents if any, 
read those documents
certain placesmemorizationby saying
or working on
by doing
is being done.

This determined work
or documents
about students
written or oral examinationa
prepared before
by answering questions
tests is being done.
In test results
notes in,reporteat
It works.

A work/article/chapter
when there is no

o  work / article / chapter
Questions Andanswersni 
by preparing is being done.

Lessons, students or
housesfrom theindividually 
known as Skype / Zoom
with communication programs 
afar with their teachers
they can do by meeting
like this projectsuitable
in or in aclass
at or 
madrasain the days
this with his siblings
projectThey can implement it. 

at Risale-i Nur Academy
in classroomseight studentsfrom
more students 
with no offense
together,14 years oldsmaller than
Students will not be admitted.

All educational activities,

student development
suitable for the level
didactic methods eyelash
taking into consideration,
different education
technical equipmentfrom
By also making use of,    
pedagogical principlessuitable for
It will be done as.

     classroom environment
   classroom environmentin the lessons at
auxiliary education
materials i.e.

    (CD-Player, Computer, TV,
Video, Tape, Overhead, 
like using materials
in understanding the lesson
will be able to help. 
    On this occasion, students
than the educational environment
taking too much advantage

    and equipment and technical equipment
by learning to use
Use during class
will be learned.

    unable to adapt
continue their distance education
as they have the opportunity to
the one above him 
students or
help from educators
can be obtained.

     Student registration dates
public schools
registration dateswhat is close
There will also be a date.

     Regarding registration dates
necessary announcements
will be done with care

     and except for important excuses
courses or lessons
after starting

     during that training period
new student admission
It will not be done.

Definitely in classes
roll call to do

absenteeism to parents
will be notified in a timely manner,

in collaboration with parents
attendance of students
will be provided.

Without a valid excuse
course duration 
muchabsenteeism maker
student's situation

educators' decision
It will be determined by .

more than a minute
arriving late he is a student
will not be admitted to classtruck.

Very important excuse
student who is
over 18 years oldif small 
from his/her guardiansigned document 
and the student is over 18 years old
if it is big from official institution
sealed document will bring

And every excuse is valid
accepted as an excuse
It will not be done.



Lessons and Classroom Environment

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